Learn Unlearn & Relearn
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Learn, Unlearn And Relearn:
We live in an era where technology has changed the way we live and work. The world is becoming increasingly connected and information is being shared at lightning speed.
With the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., people are now able to connect with each other and share their ideas, thoughts, opinions and experiences.
However, there is a downside to this. People are losing touch with reality and are becoming too dependent on these platforms. They are forgetting that real life is much more than just posting pictures on social media.
In this article, we will discuss the importance of learning, unlearning and relearning for our growth.
Learning can take place through formal education or informal training. Formal education involves attending classes and studying books while informal training takes place when someone teaches us something by example. In both cases, we learn from others who already know about certain topics. We may not understand everything they say but we pick up bits and pieces here and there which helps us grow.
Unlearning means letting go of old habits and ways of thinking. This happens naturally over time as we mature and gain experience. However, sometimes we need to consciously unlearn bad habits and negative beliefs. For instance, if you want to become better at sales, then you must first let go of all the bad habits associated with selling. If you don’t, you won’t improve.
Relearning is similar to unlearning except that instead of letting go of old habits, we replace them with positive ones. When we re-learn something, We use the same knowledge base but apply it differently. For example, if you were good at math before, you might find yourself using different strategies to solve problems today
The Importance of Learning, Unleashing Your Potential & Career Growth
There are many benefits of learning, unlearning and relearning. Here are some examples:
1) Learning allows us to expand our horizons and think outside the box. By expanding our minds, we open ourselves up to possibilities and opportunities.
2) It enables us to develop skills and abilities that help us achieve success. As long as we keep growing, we will continue to move forward towards achieving our goals.
3) It provides us with valuable insights into how to deal with challenges and obstacles along the way. It keeps us sharp and relevant. With age comes wisdom and maturity. But without learning, we would remain immature forever.
4) It improves communication skills. Communication is one area where most professionals struggle. Without proper communication skills, we cannot effectively lead teams, manage projects, negotiate deals, persuade clients, influence stakeholders, etc.
Learning, Unlearn and relearning can be done through your personal experiences and observations of others who’ve been through these transitions.
Let’s take a look at the example of Sam:
When Sam was young, he had a lot of trouble making decisions. His parents used to tell him “If you don’t know what to do, just ask someone.” So when he started working full time, he would often call people around him and ask advice about work related issues. This worked well until he got promoted to management positions. Suddenly, he found himself having to make tough calls every day. At first, he thought he could handle it. After all, he knew what he wanted to do. Then Sam realized that he didn’t really understand why he should choose one option over another. That realization led him down a different road than the one he expected.Eventually, he learned enough to become comfortable making difficult choices.
Change is inevitable
As far as leadership goes, the best way to learn how to lead is to observe other leaders at work. If you’re lucky, you might even find yourself in a position to mentor someone else. In fact, many companies now offer formal training programs specifically designed to teach employees how to lead. These courses usually include topics such as communication skills, conflict resolution, team building, etc. They’re good ways to gain experience without actually taking charge of anything. However, if you want to truly develop into a true leader, then you must step out of your comfort zone and put yourself under pressure. Join a company where you are not familiar with the products/services offered. By trying something completely unfamiliar, you will force yourself to grow professionally. The same principle applies to personal development. The brain responds to discomfort by releasing dopamine, which causes you to crave more stimulation. To overcome this craving, you must break free from your comfort zone. This will force you to face your fears and challenges head-on. This leads to personal and professional growth.
Observing Others
While observing others isn’t quite as effective as directly participating in an activity, it still provides valuable insight. For example, watching a manager interact with his or her subordinates helps you see whether he or she treats everyone equally. Watching a salesperson pitch a product to potential customers allows you to determine whether he or she uses proper body language and tone of voice. Observation is especially useful when dealing with complex situations because it lets you focus on only certain aspects of the situation instead of getting distracted by everything else.
In terms of developing leadership qualities, observation is probably most helpful early in your career. While there’s no substitute for hands-on practice, it can provide invaluable insights that are impossible to obtain through trial and error alone. Once you’ve gained confidence in your ability to manage, however, you’ll likely begin to take greater risks. And since risk aversion is associated with poor performance, you may eventually find yourself leading projects from start to finish.
Learn From Your Mistakes
Mistakes happen. We all make mistakes. Some of these mistakes are big while others are small. Regardless of their size, they’re important lessons to learn from. Learning from your own mistakes is easier said than done though. Most of us tend to rationalize away our failures rather than admit them outright. This leads to self-deception and prevents us from making any real progress towards improvement. Fortunately, there are several techniques that help people avoid falling victim to this trap.
Learning something new takes effort.
That means we must put forth energy into acquiring new skills. However, many people believe that once they acquire a skill, they know enough to move onto another task. In reality, this mindset limits one’s growth. As such, here are five ways to ensure that you continue growing throughout your entire career.
1) Keep Challenging Yourself
2) Be Willing To Try New Things
3) Seek Feedback From Others
4) Ask For Help
5) Set Goals And Measure Progress
Take the time to learn and grow every day. Create a culture of learning and innovation within your company. Pair up with the new generations of millennials and generation Z to create a dialogue and learn from them. You will be open-minded and receptive to new things and you’ll do it with passion. Work has to be what drives you and makes you feel alive. You need to invest in yourself so that you can get the return for those investments.
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